Reach Out to a PD/Movement Specialist
Main line for new appointments: 302-623-3017
Main PD nurse line (Karen Reed, RN): 302-623-3005
Movement disorders office assistant (Melissa Pacheco): 302-623-3411
Email for non-clinical questions/concerns:
Email for questions on the focused ultrasound program:

Provider Education
American Parkinson Disease Association Education and Support
This site includes resources for First Responders Parkinson’s Awareness Training Program, Parkinson’s Disease Training Program for Fitness Professionals, Webinar Education Series and Ask a Doctor. (Not specific to Caregivers but Caregivers can learn).
Parkinson Foundation | Care Partners site
This includes Resources, Support, Helpline to Call or Email, Chapter in Your Area, PD Library, Hospital Safety Kits, Online Education, Events, Community Grants. For Care Partners, articles including Early in the Journey, Caring for the Care Partner, Practical Pointers, Caring from Aar, Getting outside Help, Planning Ahead, Advanced Parkinson’s, and Care Partner Resources. I learn from participating in their Care Partner Summit.
Parkinson and Movement Disorder Alliance, PMD
This site includes Lunch with Docs, Spotlight Programs, Zoom Education Sessions, Volunteer Opportunities. I learn a lot from participating in the Chats during their Care Partner Series.
Michael J. Fox Webinars
PD resources PDF broken down
Impulse Control Disorders:
Sleep problems in PD:
Depression, anxiety, and apathy
Gait Disturbances and Freezing of gait
Cognitive problems in PD